Jupyter Book Demo#
The notebooks that are distributed via the JuypterLite environment are also used as the basis of the Jupyter Book output published here.
In order to render the book, two configuration files are required:
file which defines the top level book configuration;a
file that defines the contents of the book.
Both of these files can be found in the original repository.
Note that it is possible to define a Jupyer Book theme that provides a “launch” option to launch a notebook corresponding to a book page using JupyterLite. A JupyterLite environment can also be published as part of a Jupyter Book workflow using the jupyterlite-sphinx
extension, although currently the content files need to be copied over to the JupyterLite distribution manually.
The jupyterlite-sphinx
package also provides a straightforward mechanism for embedding JupyterLite powered notebooks inside Jupyter Book pages.
The theme used to publish the Jupyter Book in this environment will be updated to include a “launch in JupyterLite” option as and when I get a chance…