
8. Quotations#

We can define quotations in markdown by prefix the quoted line or lines with a > symbol at the start of the line:

This works for single line quotes:

> Here is a single line quote.

Here is a single line quote.

which are rendered in OU-XML as:

<Quote><Paragraph>Here is a single line quote.</Paragraph></Quote>

and multi-line quotes:

> Here is the first line of the quote...
> ...and here is the second.
> And a final line.

which are rendered in OU-XML as:

    <Paragraph>Here is the first line of the quote…
    …and here is the second.</Paragraph>
<Paragraph>And a final line.</Paragraph>

The following is a quote and should be marked up as such:

Here is the first line of the quote… …and here is the second.

And a final line.

The following is a quote that should be marked up as such, along with a typographically distinguished source reference component:

Here is the first line of the quote… …and here is the second.

Source: And a final line source…

The source markdown is:

> Here is the first line of the quote...
> ...and here is the second.
> Source: And a final line source...

In OU-XML, we get:

<Quote><Paragraph>Here is the first line of the quote…
                …and here is the second.</Paragraph><SourceReference>And a final line source…</SourceReference></Quote>